用于液体 CO2 存储和运输应用的 Magnetel®测量仪
This product is used to extend the dial chamber on any Magnetel® gauge away from the gauge head far enough to pass through the insulating jacket on tanks containing CO2, thus reducing refrigeration effects on the dial.
General Information & Features*
Gauge available in Trim 11, steel and stainless steel; and Trim 12, all stainless steel with enclosed magnet.
对于移动应用, 请指定型号 DM 6342。(显示)
Data Sheet
6300 Series Standard Gauge Features data sheet
115-820 Magnetel® Installation Instructions
Special Installations Instructions DS-681 (available upon request)
* Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Pressure ratings subject to change due to temperature and other environmental considerations.
CO2 扩展的磁格®仪表的说明书
The purpose of the head extension is to extend the dial chamber from the gauge mounting flange. This insulates the dial
chamber from the tank and allows for the insulating space between the inner tank and the outer shell.
The head extension is equipped with a plugged 1⁄8” N.P.T. hole in the bottom of the extension tube. Before installation of the gauge in the tank, this plug should be replaced with a tubing fitting. The tubing (1⁄4” minimum) should be routed to a convenient access point and then capped.
Trouble Shooting
If the gauge reading seems to be “stuck”, there are several possibilities: There may be a problem with the float mechanism inside the tank, a problem with the head extension or a problem with the dial chamber. Check the dial chamber first.
Dial Chamber Removal
Remove 8” dial chamber by removing the three screws located nearest the 9 o’clock, 3 o’clock and then the 12 o’clock positions. Remove 4” dial chamber by removing the two screws located nearest the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions. After the dial chamber has been removed, DON’T disassemble.
Dial Chamber Test
Test dial chamber from the back side. You should be able to rotate the pointer easily by rotating the bar test magnet against the center back of the dial chamber. The Small Test Magnet has the appropriate magnetic properties for this test. If the pointer cannot be rotated freely, the dial chamber should be replaced.
PLEASE NOTE: Bent dial brackets can cause the pointer to bind when the dial chamber is re-installed. Be sure brackets are not bent. If the dial chamber is functional, the next test is for the head extension.
Head Extension Test
With the dial chamber removed, place the large test magnet in the center of the dial chamber recess on the exposed portion of the head extension. This recess is about two inches in diameter and about 3⁄8” deep. The Large Test Magnet has the appropriate magnetic properties for this test. Rotate the large test magnet slowly one complete revolution. The large test magnet should overpower the drive magnet in the tank and rotate the magnet and shaft assembly in the head extension. If the magnet and shaft assembly in the head extension is frozen, the large test magnet will be repelled by the non-rotating magnet in the head extension. This repelling force will try to push the large test magnet out of the recess as it is rotated. If the CO2 extension is frozen, the corrective action is drying. If the extension is functional, proceed to “float mechanism”.
Drying the inside of the head extension is usually done by injecting a dry gas such as nitrogen. The gas is injected by inserting a l⁄8″ or 5⁄32″ diameter plastic supply tube inside the 1⁄4″ access tube that is attached to the head extension. Be sure that the small tube goes completely inside the extension and that the exhaust gas can pass through the annular space between the outside of the supply tubing and the inside of the access tubing.
如果头部延伸的温度能提高到水的冰点以上, 这个过程效果最好。这样做的一个方法是在流动气体到达二氧化碳延伸之前对其进行加热。另一种方法是用水管加热条包裹延长线。头部延伸后解冻和干燥, 使用大磁铁重新测试。如果功能看起来令人满意, 让头部延伸的温度恢复到正常的冻结条件下。使用大型测试磁铁再次重新测试头部扩展。
Float Mechanism
If the head extension seems to be functioning properly, the next test is for the gauge and float mechanism inside the tank. For this test you will need to replace the dial chamber. Before bolting the dial chamber to the mounting brackets, be sure that all brackets touch the dial chamber without the dial chamber rocking. If the dial chamber does not fit properly, one or more of the dial brackets may be bent and should be replaced. Once the dial chamber has been replaced, take steps necessary to produce a significant change in the level of the product inside the tank. If the pointer does not move, then the problem may be in the gauge mechanism inside the tank. If this seems to be the case, then follow the trouble shooting guide for the gauge. This guide is located in bulletin 115-820.
如果仪表功能在遵循故障拍摄指南后仍不令人满意, 则应将包括头部延伸和拨号室在内的整个仪表返回工厂进行大修、调整和重新润滑的头部延伸。
1. Small Test Magnet – 1⁄16” DIA x 1⁄2” Neodymium Rod Magnet.
2. Large Test Magnet – 1⁄2” DIA x 3⁄4” Neodymium Rod Magnet.
3. Bulletin 115-820
The test magnets may be obtained from: http://www.kjmagnetics.com